Elections and Bylaws

Below is the information about the current Bylaws, how to vote by proxy, and 

Bylaws Change Proposal  

There are a number of bylaw changes that the board is proposing. We have highlighted everything in red in the document labeled Proposed Bylaw Changes. Click on that and you will be able to see what we are proposing ahead of the meeting. The current bylaws are also attached below so you can look at what we are proposing against what the current ones are. 

Current Bylaws

Voting By Proxy

If you are unable to make it to the annual meeting but would like to pay dues and vote, you may do so via proxy. You may pick someone who will be going to the meeting to vote for you. You will need to print the form out below and fill it out. Let your proxy know how you would like to vote and they may do so at the meeting. You may give them your dues payment or you can pay them online here https://muncie-ecna.org/?page_id=261

Proxy Form


Voting is open to any dues paying member of ECNA, you may pay your dues here https://muncie-ecna.org/?page_id=261 or at the membership meeting. You may vote via proxy if you are unable to attend the membership meeting.