Neighborhood Events

Easter Egg Hunt

Each year the neighborhood association holds a free Easter Egg Hunt for neighborhood children and families. We have held this event in the Washington Park and recently in Madjax.  

Alley Clean-Ups

Usually held in early May, the ECNA with the assistance of the Muncie Sanitary District holds an annual alley clean up. This your opportunity to help beautify our neighborhood, see the area from a different perspective, and possibly ride on the back of a garbage truck! It also serves as a time for our residents to dispose of large items more easily.

If you would like to participate or if you have large items for pick-up (sorry, only available during the clean-up) please contact us at

Annual Picnic

Each summer we hold an annual picnic for the residents of the neighborhood. The association provides the main course and welcomes each resident to bring a side or dessert. This is a great way to meet new neighbors and get caught up with each other.  

Old Washington Street Festival

Each year on the third weekend of September we remember and celebrate the Gas Boom Era in Muncie. We have the Old Washington Street Festival to help preserve the rich history and old homes that adorn the Emily Kimbrough Historic District. The festival helps educate the community in the arts and crafts and build community. We do this by not only having artist and makers set up selling items that they hand make but also have a variety of these vendors doing demonstrations on how they create their items. Some of these are interactive for both children and adults.


Historic Home Tour

Always wondered what those stately old homes in the East Central Neighborhood look like on the inside? The ECNA Historic Home Tour is your opportunity to discover the beauty and craftsmanship of a rotating selection of the historic homes in the East Central Neighborhood. The homes on the tour usually cover the range from those just getting started on renovation to those that are fully restored. Typically held in conjunction with the Old Washington Street Festival each year.

Pumpkin Carving

Each October we hold a free pumpkin carving event for the the children of the neighborhood. We provide each child who comes to the event with a pumpkin that they can either carve or paint that day. We have spooktacular games, prizes, and music. 

Holiday Home Tours

Every year on the second Saturday and Sunday of December we kick off the holiday season by opening some of these historic homes up for tours. Each home is dressed beautifully for the holidays.